
Graphic image depicting blockchain and AI

Blockchain for AI or AI for Blockchain 

How does combining AI and blockchain enhance each other? Learn how AI boosts blockchain efficiency and how blockchain strengthens AI security. We explore the powerful synergy of this fusion and dive into a couple of innovative projects at the intersection of these two groundbreaking technologies.
Crypto AI Agents Are the Digital Minions of the Blockchain

Crypto AI Agents Are the Digital Minions of the Blockchain

Crypto AI agents combine the power of AI and blockchain, creating a superleague of minions that will amplify your personal or business goals. Much like deploying multiple ChatGPTs that work together to increase efficiency, AI agents provide access to innovative business models on the blockchain.
AI Fake News - Can Blockchain Stop its Destructive Power?

AI Fake News - Can Blockchain Stop its Destructive Power?

Soon you won't believe anything you see or hear on the Web anymore. You'll limit information intake to familiar sources that tell you what you want to hear—we all will. That's the power of AI and fake news working hand in hand. History tells bitter lessons about the impact of fake news. How about hooking up AI with blockchain?

AI Trust Problem: How Blockchain Can Solve It

AI has become embedded in our daily lives, but can we trust these automated systems and chatbots? Could fusing AI and blockchain mark a turning point for overcoming mistrust in AI? We explore the journey toward building trustworthy AI networks and how blockchain can help bridge the trust gap.
Graphic image depicting combining Blockchain and AI

Top Web3 AI Projects

Two completely different digital technologies are on the rise: AI and blockchain. And now they are merging. How is AI used in Web3, and how does AI benefit from blockchain? How do AI and blockchain projects utilize this interconnection? Here are some inspiring examples.