Thought Leaders

Contributing their insights to our research reports

In our reports, you should expect a balanced, extensive, and holistic view of the topic. To ensure we provide you with a well-rounded analysis, we draw upon a diverse pool of expertise beyond our own.

Onchain collaborates with thought leaders from Web3 and traditional industries. Meet the experts who contribute their knowledge and share their experience so you can explore every angle of the subject matter and apply it in your unique environment.

Our Contributors


Alex Rawitz

Co-Founder, DIMO


Greg Osuri

Founder, Akash Network


Alireza Ghods

Co-Founder, NATIX Network


Xinxin Fan

Head of Cryptography, IoTeX

Lucas Zaehringer

Lucas Zaehringer

Founder, Positive Blockchain

Henri Lieutaud

Henri Lieutaud

Head of Developer Relations, Starknet Foundation

Deborah Ojengbede

Deborah Ojengbede

Founder, AFEN (African Blockchain Network)

Deepika Karanji

Deepika Karanji

Co-chair, Hyperledger India

Henri Ndreca

Henri Ndreca

Co-Founder and COO, T-Blocks

Dennis Dinkelmeyer

Dennis Dinkelmeyer

Founder and CEO, Midas

Asad Khan

Asad Khan

RWA & DeFi, Centrifuge

Marcin Kaźmierczak

Marcin Kaźmierczak

COO, RedStone Oracles


Christopher Müller

Founder, BRANE

Trent McConaghy

Trent McConaghy

Co-Founder, Ocean Protocol

Diego Hong, CTO_NeuroMesh

Diego Hong

CTO, NeuroMesh

Cathie So, PhD

Cathie So, PhD

Chief Scientist, Ora Protocol

Arby Leonian

Arby Leonian

CEO & Co-Founder, Thermaiscan

Check out the research they contributed to

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