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The Missing Link in Web3 Research: Onchain's Insights Marketplace

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Dec 09, 2024Reading Time: 4 minutes
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Imagine a research platform that not only provides cutting-edge material but rewards researchers and Web3 professionals for contributing their findings. Welcome to the new Onchain Insights Marketplace—a unique experience where all Web3 research data can be easily found.


Envisage a platform where all the research data to build a Web3 project, study whitepapers, and familiarize yourself with Web3 business practices is easily accessible and together in one place. That sounds too good to be true, right? Research would take on a whole new paradigm.

In reality, sourcing information in the Web3 and blockchain arena is trickier than you think. You likely find yourself managing countless subscriptions to different research portals only to discover that they do not provide the specific information you require.

But what if a collective, interactive Web3 research platform existed? One where cutting-edge research data and independent researchers’ material could be found and tailored to your needs? Read on…

As the Web3 and blockchain market grows, it is clear that more businesses, entrepreneurs, and innovators come to depend on relevant and tailored research material to steer them in the right direction.

Why are reliable Web3 insights hard to come by?

Web3 professionals, entrepreneurs, and analysts, amongst others, need an easy way to analyze Web3 projects and navigate the challenges of innovative and advanced high-tech data research. Currently, extracting the insights can be difficult as it is hampered by the following:

Centralized content: Web3 and blockchain data are mostly derived from centralized sources. However, they are scattered across different mediums, such as whitepapers, DAOs, forums, Web3 research papers, Crypto Twitter/X, developer notes, and various different media outlets, making it exhausting to locate the required information.

Perpetual evolution: The Web3 and blockchain arenas are constantly evolving. New projects and protocols frequently emerge, making research outdated before it’s even published.

Inconsistent quality and biased data: Much of the Web3 content available lacks the required due diligence, making it tough to gauge credibility and biases. However, with the Onchain interactive research platform, it will be possible to request research and reviews from specific, trustworthy researchers and reputable sources.

Lack of specialized info: Difficulties exist in blockchain and Web3 research on specific topics and niche projects. Our new research platform will address and cover such specialized and bespoke areas.

Image depicting a researcher working

The supply-demand gap and how to bridge it

Bridging these gaps and the difficulties of acquiring specific and relevant information spawned the idea of creating a pioneering interactive research platform.

To address the challenges of acquiring accessible and trustworthy data, let’s consider the research supply side — it lacks incentives due to limited financial rewards and centralized research. 

Collaboration between them is also discouraged — it’s usually more efficient to work alone in producing research material.

On the other hand, the research demand side – aka the information seekers – has shown little motivation to engage. Research often doesn’t meet their needs or provide real insights. 

The research demand side is, for the most part, not involved in any of the creation and review processes. As a result, it misses the market perspective — what people actually want. 

Web3 itself hasn’t solved these challenges, as it overlooks using DeSci mechanisms that could yield promising results. Meanwhile, the demand for quality research is high, but there’s no proper system to evaluate it.

Considering all of this, let’s examine why such a research marketplace platform will become an indispensable tool.

Why would you need a Web3 research marketplace?

After trawling the Web and visiting sites such as Messari Research, the usual methodology is to tap into existing market data, such as industry reports, academic studies, news articles, and conference presentations.

A one-stop shop for Web3-related research, where everyone can contribute or source high-quality information, would solve the never-ending problem. You would find relevant information from a variety of sources and individuals who have put their research findings up for grabs. Contributors get tipped for valuable insights and paid for in-depth reports. Consumers can rate content and collect insights as NFTs.

In short, it is a marketplace for Web3-related insights where everyone can request and purchase a wide range of research data. 

No more sifting through reams of data, which often results in conflicting, inaccurate, and outdated results. 

Being able to locate up-to-date insights and key-specific data easily will arm businesses, startups, and entrepreneurs with the correct information to enable them to make the right strategic decisions.

This is where the Onchain interactive Web3 marketplace research platform comes in. 

Image depicting a hand holding a globe

Bridging the gap: A collaborative platform for Web3 researchers and innovators 

We’ve now explained the challenges, clarified why there’s a gap between supply and demand, and suggested a solution.

What would such a new research platform need to offer to address these issues? How could it ultimately provide the insights and credible information that users could benefit from, and how would it work?

What makes the Onchain Insights Marketplace unique is that anyone will be able to contribute. Since most of the Web3 community is already researching many Web3 and blockchain-related topics, we’re taking it to the next level. 

It will incentivize Web3 research analysts and allow them to monetize their work while fostering a community where high-quality insights are accessible.

All users will have access to the full research community, where specific research data can be requested.

Whether it’s use cases, whitepapers, or clarity on a specific niche sector, both professional and individual researchers will respond with the required data in the form of short articles or in-depth papers.

Furthermore, our vision of a Web3 Insights Marketplace platform will be self-correcting, using community notes to rate the quality of research. This will ensure that the most trustworthy sources rise to the top.

It will also offer a recommendation system, precise categorization, and filters to make finding the relevant research data quick and easy. 

Content will be tagged for easy discovery, and the community will then be able to determine what’s valuable. Researchers will get paid based on merit, creating a true citizen/individual research meritocracy. 

This could change the entire approach of Web3/blockchain research methodologies today.

Researcher working in a high-tech environment

Closing thoughts: The world of Web3 research is entering a new era! 

To summarize, our new platform will put the power in the hands of users and researchers alike. 

You will be able to request specific research directly from trusted experts. 

You will get the insights you’re looking for and pay researchers directly, acknowledging their expertise without intermediaries.

Our decentralized interactive Web3 research platform will allow everyone the possibility to contribute. That includes you. Make an impact, collect points, build a reputation, and get rewarded. 

To start the ball rolling, here’s a taster of some of the benefits available right from the get-go:

  • The opportunity to start building your own Web3 researcher profile from the first day.
  • The ability to filter all the Web3 research content published and find the most detailed info tailored to your business/investment needs, and more..

Are you ready..? Then hop over to the “Feed” because we’ve just launched an MVP version. Create an account and be among the first to post. 😃

The full version will follow in 2025.

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