
The Onchain blockchain & Web3 research hub brings you reports, insights, analysis, and inspiration. Discover a different kind of blockchain research. We analyze how top Web3 projects tackle real-world problems and impact real life—practical knowledge for your business.


DeSci – (How) Will It Make Research Great Again?

DeSci may be more valuable for business and industry than you thought. Why? Because the business world increasingly relies on data and research. At a time when universities are losing credibility and science is drifting into irrelevance, DeSci tosses a lifebuoy. This report showcases the diversity of uses, explores the potential of business models, and assesses the impact on the real world.


AI and Blockchain Disruption: Unveiling Perfect Synergy Use Cases

AI and blockchain—two equally disruptive technologies, but only one is stealing the show! What if we combined them to leverage each other's transformational powers? This report investigates projects that sense the potential in using one to enhance the other. Find out how the synergies work, where they are most useful and whether they have a future.


DePIN Brings Real-World Business Opportunities for Web3

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks—a new narrative that could compete with some of the world's most profitable businesses. This report examines the most successful DePIN projects, analyzes business models, and investigates the competitive landscape.


Real-World Assets for Real-World Purposes - an Impact Analysis

Every day, a new report on RWAs pops up on the internet. So why bother reading another one? Because this one provides information that enables you to reach better business decisions beyond financial speculations.


The Future Is Modular

A detailed report investigating the technological and market potential of Layer 2 blockchains vs. alternative Layer 1s. Discover the leading infrastructure and make a data-driven decision on where to build your web3-oriented business.

What is the role of blockchain research, and why get involved?

Typically, blockchain research refers to the academic study of blockchain technology. You can find scores of blockchain research papers from universities and technological institutes that all investigate the potential possibilities of blockchain technology.

Another area is blockchain market research. This examines the crypto market and how cryptocurrencies impact the dynamics of the world’s financial markets. It’s relevant mainly for investors.

We at Onchain feel that it’s time to move beyond theory and assess the practical value of blockchain use cases. Entrepreneurs, startups, and businesses need to know how blockchain-based applications and related assets can be useful for their ventures. 

What’s the difference between blockchain research and Web3 research?

When people say Web3, they mean the next generation of the internet. Decentralization is the key component around which the term was originally formed. 

However, Web3 research generally encompasses a broader spectrum of technologies besides decentralized ledger tech. 

The most prominent is obviously AI. With its rise and the changes its implementation incurs, many view it as the main component of Web3. 

Consequently, Web3 is most often seen as a new set of innovative technologies used on the internet. Web3 research therefore relates to the research of innovative technologies that will form the next stage of the internet.

Onchain research covers both.

What does Onchain’s Web3 research include?

The Onchain research team focuses primarily on the evolving economic and social landscape around blockchain use cases and assets. We investigate how decentralized technology alters the way we do business, manage organizations and societies, interact, consume, and negotiate. In short, how we live. 

We want to help entrepreneurs and innovative leaders understand blockchain use. Our research analyzes areas in which the technology is successfully applied and where you should expect challenges if you plan to leverage it. 

We investigate, outline, and evaluate revenue streams, business models, and growth concepts. You will find hyped blockchain assets dissected and evaluated. You can also read what the founders of the best blockchain projects say as they share their insights. 

How to use Onchain’s research reports?

Onchain research is conducted to support emerging businesses, specifically in the Web3 space. Many are facing similar challenges and wrestle with the same questions. 

How to incentivize either the demand- or the supply side? How to attract non-Web3 users? How to create a sustainable revenue stream? How to integrate Web3 and Web2 technologies? 

Our reports help you discover how others have solved these issues. You learn how they have addressed the questions in a similar context and how successful their solution is (or was). 

You can compare their situation or project to yours and understand which aspect of their approach is suitable for you and which isn’t. 

We provide you with measurable and actionable information about different parameters that could impact your venture or the landscape you operate in. This includes market data, usage data,  financial statistics, and projections.

This information can help you mitigate risks, because you base your decisions on practical insights and hands-on data. Do your own research, but learn from other’s experience.


How does Onchain do real-world blockchain research?

Our reports cover blockchain research topics that align with current Web3 trends and that are useful for entrepreneurs, founders, and startups or those investing in them. 

We identify as many Web3 projects as possible that offer solutions related to the topic. 

The Onchain team of researchers, Leon Waidmann, Head or Research at Onchain, Blockchain Research Scientist Dr. Ananya Shrivastava, Chief Strategist Dr. Michal Moneta, Market Researcher Ambreen Krahl, Data Scientist Boris Agatic, and Head of Business Developement Arin Soleymani, investigate these use cases. 

The team delves into history, performance and challenges of existing projects and conducts surveys with working companies. Together, we determine successes and challenges of specific blockchain use cases. 

We identify unique solutions to common issues. We measure the usefulness of blockchain in the context and the impact on the economy, society or any other area of life. 

You receive data-based assessments of performance and potential, accounts of practical experiments, and professional recommendations.